Tag Archives: vacation

Time Out

My husband decided to take a mini vacation, and has been home the last 3 days. He planned a nice 5 day weekend for himself, and we’ve been having fun doing things outside the home, but my book time has been put in the corner for a time out.

Meanwhile, the books I want to read are stacking up, and I feel “off”. It’s almost Monday, and for the first time in awhile I am looking forward to it.


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30 days of BS, and curbing the bitch

So freakin’ stressed! Actually, I’m not now, but I sure as hell was for a few weeks. When that happens, I have a tendency to turn up the bitchitude (borrowed from Angry Black Bitch). Since my mom raised me to believe that I have to shut the hell up if I’m not going to say something nice, I chose to do just that. No, not say something nice.. shut the hell up.

I used to not realize this was how I would react to stress, and make everyone suffer because of it. Now, if I want to unleash, rest assured I know I’m doing it, and you have earned the tongue lashing that ensues. I didn’t have to do that this past month. At least, I chose not to. I managed to curb the bitch in me.

For the next few weeks, I’ll be getting ready to go on vacation, so maybe the focus on the vacation will help. I sure as hell hope so. Here’s to the next 30 days!

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Just a little

We’re finally getting a little bit of snow, but it’s only an inch. (That’s what she said.)

Ok really. I am loving staying up until 4:30 in the morning reading until the words are blurred and I have to blink constantly just to make them out. I love sleeping until noon, and then having my “morning” coffee late. I have just a few days left, and then it’s back to the normal. I am looking forward to normal, it makes these breaks feel so good!

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