Tag Archives: J.S. Bailey

Rage’s Echo by J.S. Bailey (Goodreads Author)

Rage's EchoRage’s Echo by J.S. Bailey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a perfect read for this time of year! I love ghost stories, and it’s been a long time since I’ve read one.

Basically, a young woman (Jessica) who fancies herself a paranormal investigator, is asked to check out and see if a church’s graveyard is haunted. It turns out that not only is it haunted, but she can speak to the ghost, and he follows her home against her wishes. From there, the story gets not just creepy and spooky, but it also becomes quite scary. There is also some seriousness woven through the story, but it’s not so heavy that you’ll feel it weigh the story down. The seriousness is what I think will give you something to think about after finishing the book, at least it has felt that way for me.

The writing is good, and I will definitely read more from Bailey, she is a fantastic story-teller. This would make a great book club read!

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