Tag Archives: Cady Vance

Bone Dry by Cady Vance

Bone Dry (Soul Shamans, #1)Bone Dry by Cady Vance
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This review is for the audiobook of Bone Dry, and I gave it 3 stars because the narrators voices for some of the girls was like listening to forest animals try to speak, and much of the interaction between characters was very cliche. I enjoyed the story, and I will read the next book. I won’t listen if it’s the same narrator though, which sucks, because I prefer audiobooks.

As for the story, it’s not just a YA book, it’s a VERY YA book. I think 13 and 14 year old kids are the perfect audience. Butterflies in the stomach, liking the hot guy that could never like her back, others can see it, but she can’t.. you get the idea.

Still, the shaman part of the story was interesting. Hopefully that’s where book 2 will go into more background, and explain what shamanism is in this world, and how it’s different from other magic.

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