Tag Archives: book review

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

Finders Keepers (Bill Hodges Trilogy, #2)Finders Keepers by Stephen King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had forgotten how many times Mr. King will spend the first half of a book building a foundation that is necessary, but not always the most entertaining. I almost stopped reading a few times, but decided to just push through. I am so glad that I did!

Short & Sweet: An exciting crime thriller! We get to know and care about (or despise) the people in the story in a way that only Mr. King can make us. The character depth makes this a terrific book club book. So groups, add to your lists!

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Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton

Dead IceDead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The Anita the Marshall part of the book was good, but was easy to figure out what and who “did it”. The rest of it was the same relationship talk and sex that as readers we can’t seem to escape. Well, I can, I just skip ahead ahead until the good zombie story comes back.

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Acqua Morta by Adam Bane

Acqua Morta (Commissario Martelli, #1)Acqua Morta by Adam Bane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very good crime thriller! A nasty murder here, a missing person there, and interesting people all over the map. I found the story was told well, and introduced me to new places I’d never heard of. Read this book if you like crime thrillers, and be ready to google some gorgeous places and learn some new vocabulary.

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Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper

Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Series Book #2)Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second book in this series I am giving four stars, because I liked it better than the first, and found the overall story finally coming together to give me a better idea of what’s happening, and where the story is going.

While I did find this second book in the series more to my liking, I did still start skimming through certain parts of the story again. I get bored quickly if the story is jumping from one perspective to the next, and not giving me a reason to care about what is happening in one of the story streams. I realize that the streams will eventually merge, but they still need to have something to make me interested. Not all the streams flow well enough for me, but it is better in this second book.

My thoughts for the first book said that I felt it was good for YA’s, and that they might like it better. This second book is darker, and has more to it. It reads more like an adult book, than the first. I am looking forward to the next book, and expect to see the story really take me on a wild flight.

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They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper

They Who Fell (They Who Fell, #1)They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three stars, because I liked it, but that’s all. It was interesting, but about 1/3 of the way through I found that I wanted to start skimming certain sections of the story. One part had me thoroughly interested, and the rest… not so much.

I think that a teen reader might enjoy this story more than I did, it’s hard to say. I did like it enough to want to read the next book to see what happened, so maybe that is good enough. I wanted to be entertained, and I was.

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End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, #3)

End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, #3)End of Days by Susan Ee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Apocalyptic stories have never really interested me. I chose the first book from Kindle Unlimited because I was desperate for something to download and read before I left the house. Within the first few chapters I couldn’t put it down. I blew through the first and second books quickly, and had to wait for the final book to be released. It was released Tuesday. Completely worth the wait!

Weird, funny, sad, scary, intense, and infuriating. This book is a roller coaster ride I will definitely go on again.

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Wayward (Wayward Pines #2)

Wayward (Wayward Pines #2)

Better than book 1!

After reading the first book I thought it wrapped up fairly well and couldn’t really imagine the need for 2 more books. After many months I found myself curious again, since seeing the preview of the show on Fox. I don’t know how far they are gonna take it in the show, but I hope it’s going to cover all three books. I have no idea what will happen next, but I will be finding out tomorrow when I start book 3.

Read the blurb about the book on goodreads or amazon, it’ll tell you what the book is about. If it sounds interesting, know you will not be disappointed!

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Short and Sweet Review: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

The Girl on the TrainThe Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Overall, this was a good story. It was a different way to go about introducing a murder mystery, making the reader wonder what was real, or imagined. I was able to figure out who the guilty person was very early in the book, but the writing was good, and will keep many people guessing until the second part of the book.

This story reminded me of Rear Window. A person stuck in his apartment with a broken leg, and he spends all his time watching the lives of the people living across the courtyard, through their apartment windows. Then, something bad happens. Same basic setup, but The Girl on the Train has some interesting twists.

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Short and Sweet Review: Contagious by Scott Sigler

Contagious (Infected, #2)Contagious by Scott Sigler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That escalated quickly! I enjoyed this book immensely, even with some seriously sad parts. I’m excited to read the last book in this series, and see what happens to the people we’ve come to care about.

*Spoilers ahead*

 I am going to miss ‘Scary’ Perry Dawson, and especially Dew Phillips. I started to feel like Dew was this old curmudgeon who just wants to avenge his partner, and then retire. His personality was kind, but constantly annoyed, I loved him! I feel like he could have been someone in my family.

On a side note, I hope Vanessa dies. A slow, painful death.

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Number of the Beast: Paladin Cycle, Book One

Number of the Beast: Paladin Cycle, Book OneNumber of the Beast: Paladin Cycle, Book One by Max Redford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Good but slow

This book was hard to get into. I was overwhelmed with the way the Paladins spoke, at first. It really made it hard to follow with an audio book. Once the story progressed and I was finally into to the “meat” of the tale, I found that it was hard to stop reading.

I am looking forward to seeing where the characters go and what they’ll do, in the next book.

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