Almost done

It’s been 5 weeks since school started, and I’ve only 1 more week left for this quarter. I’m getting A’s in both of my classes, but one of them may drop to a B by the time final grades are posted. I’ll take it, I’m not TOO picky. I worked my butt off some days, and others… no so much.    Soon I should be picking new classes, I hope i get something interesting.


Asthma has been pretty crappy this past week for me and Amanda. I hope to change that soon with some more nebulizer treatments. Both girls are doing well in strings, although they’re only a week into it. Charity is playing Bass again, and Mandi chose Viola. She’s surprisingly good at it, color me shocked. I’m also supposed to be teaching art again this year in both 6th and 4th grade, I should get started on that. Someone is supposed to take the initiative and contact the other volunteers and set up a time to get together and meet with the teachers. Since it’s been a week and I’ve not heard from anyone yet, I guess that person will be me on Monday.


That’s it for now, I’ll talk at you later.

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