Tag Archives: college

Good job, me

I turned in an assignment last week (two weeks ago, now), and it was a short paper about immigration, the process, and the reasons people want to come to America and become naturalized citizens. I worked very hard on it, not to get a good grade, but to make sure that what I said wasn’t emotional, but fact based, and that I had the research to back up my claims. I got the paper back with the grade. Here is what my instructor said…

Total Points 100 100
Late Penalty 10% per day, if applicable Points Deducted: 0 Explanation: N/A
Final Grade: A+++++

Overall Comments: Outstanding work on this assignment! I RARELY am able to give out 100%, so you should be proud of this paper!!! I enjoy giving out 100%, but very rarely can I justify the perfect score. The perfectly formatted citations and references (except for the one, very small error) are what people typically do not manage. Your writing is strong, easily understood, and meaningful. You did a great job of not relying on personal opinion, and provided strong facts to support your ideas and convince the reader of your position. Your explanations for a very difficult process are well communicated and concise.

Your desire to engage in academic excellence is obvious, so keep up the hard work!

Oh yes, I still smile when I read that. We’re only in week 5 of 9 weeks, hope I can live up to my own work, now. lol 🙂

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I think I’ve got it!

Okay, so maybe I’ve just got the idea, and the basic wording, but it’s a solid start. My thesis statement is “Removing racism from city institutions can inspire communities by being the change that many citizens are looking for. “

What do you think? Maybe it’s too simple, or I could use different wording, I can edit more later. I am just so relieved that I’ve done enough research that I feel I have enough information (and oodles of personal opinion) that I can actually start thinking about the outline with confidence. Whew! Thanks for the help Genglo! Smiley from millan.net

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Just a tad stressed

Felt a little overwhelmed today while looking at the work I needed to do this week for my two classes. So much writing, and I am just not sure how I want to go about writing this weeks paper. When I finish writing, I usually end up thinking to myself, “that wasn’t so bad”, but this class is turning out to be much more difficult that I ever thought possible.

Okay, the class is Cultural Diversity, and it’s crazy hard for me because I find so much of what I have to write about offensive, and even writing about it pisses me off. It is immensely disappointing to find out just how much racism and discrimination is still prevalent in the year 2010.

Well, that was fun. Time to cool off again, and work on this more tomorrow. Peace.

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Hurry up and wait

Got the referral from our family doc so M can get an appointment with someone for her depression. Now I have to wait for them to call me to make the appointment, the recording said 24 to 48 hours until they call me back. Then, it’s 3 to 4 weeks for an appointment. Awesome, eh?

As for me, my algebra class is fairly remedial, any high school student could do it… but I am no high school student, and I have never been very patient with math. Week 1 down, and 8 to go. Human services in the US is the other class I’m taking, and I am really enjoying that one. I am doing alright in that one also, and that class is in it’s 3rd week.

I’ve been having some intestinal things going on, and have been feeling sick for two weeks now. I cannot eat much, and when I do I end up in a lot of pain about 45 minutes after eating. I am back to eating a yogurt for most meals, and some rice or toast when I need  more. Lots of water too, can’t forget that.

That’s it for now.

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9 weeks

I spent the last nine weeks with two classes that were quite time consuming. Behavioral science and nutrition, and they tried to kick my ass. Not because they were hard, but because they both demanded a lot of time reading, and writing essay’s and creating PowerPoint presentations. I also found myself dealing with a teenager with depression, and that is a very touchy and difficult thing to have to deal with. There is more to it than with adult depression, and it can be very draining emotionally, as well as financially. I guess we’ll see where this goes, and hopefully find that it doesn’t go too far.

So, new classes started Monday, well new class. Human services in the US. The next class starts on next Monday, and it’s an algebra class. Fine with the HSM, not so fine with the ALG. Bleh.

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