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Black Fall by D.J Bodden

Black Fall (The Black Year Series, Book 1)Black Fall by D.J. Bodden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely love this book! There is nothing old and stale about this vampire story. I didn’t want it to end, and find myself wondering about the characters and what they might want to do next.

The writing is excellent, and it is obvious Mr. Bodden has a talent for detailed descriptions that do not bore, but add much more to the story. Something that stood out to me is the amazing writing of the fight scenes. They are so awesome that I could actually see the fights in my mind as I read. I am quite impressed; it’s difficult to write fight scenes that don’t become either confusing or boring.

Finally, I want to take a moment to mention how I appreciate Mr. Bodden’s use of the supernatural in this book. I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say that this is so much more than a vampire book. So. Much. More.

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Bone Dry by Cady Vance

Bone Dry (Soul Shamans, #1)Bone Dry by Cady Vance
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This review is for the audiobook of Bone Dry, and I gave it 3 stars because the narrators voices for some of the girls was like listening to forest animals try to speak, and much of the interaction between characters was very cliche. I enjoyed the story, and I will read the next book. I won’t listen if it’s the same narrator though, which sucks, because I prefer audiobooks.

As for the story, it’s not just a YA book, it’s a VERY YA book. I think 13 and 14 year old kids are the perfect audience. Butterflies in the stomach, liking the hot guy that could never like her back, others can see it, but she can’t.. you get the idea.

Still, the shaman part of the story was interesting. Hopefully that’s where book 2 will go into more background, and explain what shamanism is in this world, and how it’s different from other magic.

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Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton

Dead IceDead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The Anita the Marshall part of the book was good, but was easy to figure out what and who “did it”. The rest of it was the same relationship talk and sex that as readers we can’t seem to escape. Well, I can, I just skip ahead ahead until the good zombie story comes back.

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The Death Row Complex by Kristen Elise

The Death Row ComplexThe Death Row Complex by Kristen Elise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This prequel to The Vesuvius Isotope is fascinating! Dr. Katrina Stone is still smart and sexy, but with this second book she becomes a little more human too. An excellent medical thriller that kept me anxiously reading long into the night, and home until I was finished! I just could not put it down! An intelligent read, and well worth your time.

Kristen Elise is an amazing writer! Her knowledge of the science is of course a solid foundation for her novels, but it’s her storytelling that grabs hold of you and throws you into the story right along with Dr. Stone. I feel like I know Katrina, and I care about her. Only a skillful writer can create that kind of relationship for her readers.

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The Never Hero by T. Ellery Hodges

The Never Hero (Chronicles Of Jonathan Tibbs #1)The Never Hero by T. Ellery Hodges
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am so surprised at how much I love this book! I decided to check this out after reading the little blurb about it. I’d never read any comic type stories, or comics for that matter, and I thought maybe now was the time. Holy cow, now was the perfect time!!

It’s been not even a full 5 minutes since I finished this book, and I am here typing up this review. That’s how much I loved this. The way Mr. Hodges draws comparisons between heroes in comics, heroes in movies, and the type of people many of us wish we could, or hope we would be, was eye opening. This could be because it’s my first time reading a story with a comic type hero, but I found myself struggling to understand, and coming to accept certain ideas and desires, right along with the hero, Jonathan.

If you have any interest in hero stories, this book will NOT disappoint! Read it. Read it now!

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Abducted by T.R. Ragan

Abducted (Lizzy Gardner #1)Abducted by T.R. Ragan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I thought the story was alright. It wasn’t so boring that I stopped reading, but it certainly was not anything I can get excited over. It wasn’t suspenseful, I wasn’t worried about the characters, and I was glad when I was finally finished with it.

Overall, I think what’s missing is personality. The characters felt very ‘flat’ to me. I didn’t feel immersed in the book, and that makes for a tough read.

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Acqua Morta by Adam Bane

Acqua Morta (Commissario Martelli, #1)Acqua Morta by Adam Bane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very good crime thriller! A nasty murder here, a missing person there, and interesting people all over the map. I found the story was told well, and introduced me to new places I’d never heard of. Read this book if you like crime thrillers, and be ready to google some gorgeous places and learn some new vocabulary.

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Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper

Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Series Book #2)Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second book in this series I am giving four stars, because I liked it better than the first, and found the overall story finally coming together to give me a better idea of what’s happening, and where the story is going.

While I did find this second book in the series more to my liking, I did still start skimming through certain parts of the story again. I get bored quickly if the story is jumping from one perspective to the next, and not giving me a reason to care about what is happening in one of the story streams. I realize that the streams will eventually merge, but they still need to have something to make me interested. Not all the streams flow well enough for me, but it is better in this second book.

My thoughts for the first book said that I felt it was good for YA’s, and that they might like it better. This second book is darker, and has more to it. It reads more like an adult book, than the first. I am looking forward to the next book, and expect to see the story really take me on a wild flight.

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They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper

They Who Fell (They Who Fell, #1)They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three stars, because I liked it, but that’s all. It was interesting, but about 1/3 of the way through I found that I wanted to start skimming certain sections of the story. One part had me thoroughly interested, and the rest… not so much.

I think that a teen reader might enjoy this story more than I did, it’s hard to say. I did like it enough to want to read the next book to see what happened, so maybe that is good enough. I wanted to be entertained, and I was.

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