Monthly Archives: August 2015

Botanicaust by Tam Linsey (Goodreads Author), Meghan Kelly (Goodreads Author) (Narrator)

BotanicaustBotanicaust by Tam Linsey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was very interesting. It had a scifi/post apocalyptic thing going on, which I enjoyed very much. I was happily enthralled with the story until the final 1/4 of the book when it turned into a scary religious debate. This killed the end of the book for me. A little bit might have been fine, and fitting, but it took over the story in the end. This is why I gave this 4 out of 5 stars. The writing was good, and the story in general was fantastic.

Narrated by Meghan Kelly: Ms. Kelly did an awesome job! Her voices were appropriate, distinct, and consistent. I would absolutely listen to her again.

Disclosure: I received the audible copy in return for an honest review.

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The Magpies by Mark Edwards (Goodreads Author), Elliot Hill (Narrator)

The MagpiesThe Magpies by Mark Edwards
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A couple buys a flat, meets their neighbors, and hangs with them. Everything seems fine, they all get along… don’they? Apparently not. Read The Magpies and you’ll find out why.

I’m not sure how to review this novel. In the end, I liked it. It was getting to the end that was unusual for me. I am used to horror/thriller novels that are in your face, obviously some stuff is about to go down, type of feeling. The Magpies is more of a slow build, but you’re not entirely sure of what is building, and therefore unsure of where the story might go.

I think this is intentional since the novel is based on the personal experience of the author. Now that you know this, you’re curious aren’t you? I hope so, give it a go.

Elliot Hill (Narrator): Mr. Hill has a wonderful voice, and did a superb job with his narration. His voices were spot on.

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As Night Falls by Jenny Milchman (Goodreads Author), Susie Berneis (Narrator)

As Night FallsAs Night Falls by Jenny Milchman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Intense is the first word that comes to mind when I think about this book. I liked the story, it’s one that has been told before. The difference with this story is that there is more as to the why it’s happening, and not just a focus on the current situation.

For me, while it was excellent writing and amazing storytelling, the back story just pissed me off! So much so, that it made it hard to want to continue. Of course I pushed forward, because I just HAD to know what was going to happen.

Narrated by Susie Berneis: She did a wonderful job with the voices, and easily had me into the story right away. She was perfect for this novel.

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