Monthly Archives: May 2015

Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper

Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Series Book #2)Chaos Umpire Sits by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second book in this series I am giving four stars, because I liked it better than the first, and found the overall story finally coming together to give me a better idea of what’s happening, and where the story is going.

While I did find this second book in the series more to my liking, I did still start skimming through certain parts of the story again. I get bored quickly if the story is jumping from one perspective to the next, and not giving me a reason to care about what is happening in one of the story streams. I realize that the streams will eventually merge, but they still need to have something to make me interested. Not all the streams flow well enough for me, but it is better in this second book.

My thoughts for the first book said that I felt it was good for YA’s, and that they might like it better. This second book is darker, and has more to it. It reads more like an adult book, than the first. I am looking forward to the next book, and expect to see the story really take me on a wild flight.

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They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper

They Who Fell (They Who Fell, #1)They Who Fell by Kevin Kneupper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three stars, because I liked it, but that’s all. It was interesting, but about 1/3 of the way through I found that I wanted to start skimming certain sections of the story. One part had me thoroughly interested, and the rest… not so much.

I think that a teen reader might enjoy this story more than I did, it’s hard to say. I did like it enough to want to read the next book to see what happened, so maybe that is good enough. I wanted to be entertained, and I was.

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Friday Harbor

Yesterday hubs, mj, and I went to Friday Harbor to collect some of my aunt’s things that Joanna (aunt’s best friend), had set aside for us. We didn’t stay long, we’re not the most social group, well, mjis, but not me and hubs. Anyway, we took the hour long ride to the ferry, then the hour long ride on the ferry, and grabbed the stuff after checking out the home that my aunt loved so much. It was sad, because I would have loved to see my aunt in it. It was so totally her! 

After we grabbed the stuff, we stopped at a turnout off the road so hubs and mj could explore and take some pix. My ankle was hurting bad, so I sat in the car and relaxed. After that we went to lunch at the place my aunt liked, The Cask and Schooner, I think it was called, and had an okay lunch. We killed some time, and bought a few souvenirs, then headed onto the ferry. 

On the ferry we (I) flagged down Joanna as she was walking by, and she sat with us the entire ride. We chatted about my aunt, how funny and unusual she was, but how we all “got” her, in our own way. I hope to stay in touch with Joanna, because she reminds me so much of my aunt without being quite so crazy! Well, who knows, maybe she can be too, but still, it would be nice to get to know her more.My aunt trusted her completely, and was best friends with her for something like over thirty years. Twenty, thirty… whatever, something long.

Yesterday was fun, and sad. I’m glad we did it, and even more glad that we made it home safe. 

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Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy, #1)

Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy, #1)Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m glad I read it! I just finished it, and really liked it. I loved the characters, I’ve come to like them a lot, and care about them. I thought the bad guy was very creepy, which I’m sure was the goal.

I just love a good thriller, and this one qualifies. I didn’t like it as much as some of his other novels, like Doctor Sleep, but still enjoyable. Maybe it’s the narrator? Will Patton read both of those, and he is amazing! Terrific voice acting.

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End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, #3)

End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, #3)End of Days by Susan Ee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Apocalyptic stories have never really interested me. I chose the first book from Kindle Unlimited because I was desperate for something to download and read before I left the house. Within the first few chapters I couldn’t put it down. I blew through the first and second books quickly, and had to wait for the final book to be released. It was released Tuesday. Completely worth the wait!

Weird, funny, sad, scary, intense, and infuriating. This book is a roller coaster ride I will definitely go on again.

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The Last Town (Wayward Pines, #3)

The Last Town (Wayward Pines, #3)The Last Town by Blake Crouch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Read it in less than a day! Awesome end to this messed up, scary fun series. The last line though? You’re killin’ me! Lol. So great.

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Wayward (Wayward Pines #2)

Wayward (Wayward Pines #2)

Better than book 1!

After reading the first book I thought it wrapped up fairly well and couldn’t really imagine the need for 2 more books. After many months I found myself curious again, since seeing the preview of the show on Fox. I don’t know how far they are gonna take it in the show, but I hope it’s going to cover all three books. I have no idea what will happen next, but I will be finding out tomorrow when I start book 3.

Read the blurb about the book on goodreads or amazon, it’ll tell you what the book is about. If it sounds interesting, know you will not be disappointed!

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