Monthly Archives: June 2014

Sad Car

I was just the passenger, but my husband was driving my car when some chick hit us. Cop came, got all info, and told her it was her fault. Did all the insurance crap and that’s done. Tomorrow I call the auto body shop and get that taken care of. Won’t cost us anything, cause we have Allstate and accident forgiveness, so our deductible is covered. Still, my citrus colored car is sad and hurt, and she only has barely over 5k miles on her. She’s too young to know this kind of pain 😛
Nobody was hurt, not even any airbags went off. Just an annoying inconvenience. 

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True Blood, 2nd time around

With the final season of True Blood starting soon, I decided to watch all the episodes again, from the start. I have to admit, I’m liking the second time through more than the first. I like the anticipation, and I am enjoying recognizing hints as to what is coming in the story. This show is crazy! I am gonna miss the hell out of it.

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