Monthly Archives: September 2010

First final done

I finished my first final, and today I am going to take a little break. I have two smaller assignments I can do, and that will be my focus today. I don’t think I could squeeze another paper out of me if I wanted to. Tomorrow is when I scheduled myself to do it, or at least half of it. Ugh..

Deep breath.

Only another 24 hours of humidity and we’ll be back to normal. Yay! I do not understand how people live in humid places, it’s hard to breathe, and I feel like I have this constant sheen of sweat on my skin, but there is nothing there.

After I finish my assignments today, I am going to finish Guilty Pleasures. I’ve been missing reading it, and it’s what I am going to do as a reward for having one final done.


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Firefly, and Guilty Pleasures

I’ve decided to alternate between reading and TV during my downtime. Firefly I own, and haven’t watched it in awhile, so I’m loving that. I am re-reading Guilty Pleasures audible style this time, and am enjoying the simple, sexy read. After creating my own non-profit organization, I’m beat, and need some mindless fun. School is great, but my brain cells like to chill when time allows.


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What to do – Anniversary Edition

Homework is done, classwork still needs to be done, but I have to wait for some input from my classmates, so what do I do until I go volunteer? Veronica Mars is over, so should I read a book or watch another show? I just can’t decide. I am feeling a little drained, so I think that for now I will check my DVR and figure out what I want to catch up on.

Oh yeah, anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! Eight years and we still haven’t killed each other, right on!

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Veronica Mars? Yes.

I have been watching TV shows that I always meant to watch, but never got to, on Netflix. In just over a week, I have gone through 2.5 seasons, and will probably finish season 3 today. I feel cheated though, because I know this is the end, and I don’t want it to be over. I really like this show! Ah well, enjoying it while I can. 🙂

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