Monthly Archives: May 2007

No use cryin'

So, I have Type 2 Diabetes. My mom has
it, but has it under control with diet. I just found out today, and
have nothing under control. I have an appointment 1 week from today
with the Dietitian, and hopefully I won’t end up miserable and
immensely pouty when she gives me my new way of eating. I love ice
cream, do they even make sugar free ice cream?

I’m so pissed, why did I bother to lose weight and exercise if I
ended up with what it was I was trying to avoid anyway? I feel like I
did it for nothing. I know that’s not logical, but I’m not feeling
logical right now, I’m just really pissed off. I’ll get over it.

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Movin' on up

Or something like that. We’re leaving the state we’re in, to go to a new one. I won’t "say" where, but I’ll give hints. We’re going to go see the Mariners play ball sometime this summer, the kids haven’t been to a professional game before, and I think they’ll have a blast. So.. now you know. We’re going because my husband got a new job, and we’re all really excited. I’ll also finally live around some family for the first time. Not lots of family, just enough to have something to do on holidays. For now, we’ve got United Van Lines set to come on the 7th to pack us and 8th to load up. Then the kids and I get to spend the 8th and 9th night in sleeping bags on the floor until the 10th when we move from here. Since my husband is already there, we’ve already got a place and we’re just waiting to fill it with our junk.

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