It’s 63° outside right now and I’ve got most of the downstairs windows open. I really love the cool weather. It makes me feel, I don’t know.. alive I guess. It smells so good and especially now with some light sprinkles. My desk is sitting right next to the window. Let me show you… Okay, see? Lol, I just took this picture, so excuse the messiness and my folder files I stick to the wall. But, you can see that I have that window right there, and the awesome breeze that comes with it. Smells SO good.
Monthly Archives: August 2005
Holy crap I'm tired
I’m so bloody tired, and all I’ve done is go through orientation! Classes officially start on Monday, and this is the latest I’ve been up since Sunday night. College will NOT be the death of me. I CAN do this. Right? Right?? *sigh*

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College Bound
Can you be "bound" for somewhere if you don’t leave your home? I start my freshman year of online college in a few weeks. I’m going to do the accounting thing, or at least that’s the goal. I’m excited, but I’m betting that will fade when I actually have work to do. It’s hard to slack properly when things are expected of me.

Anyway, let me think if anything else is going on. Hrm.. not at the moment.
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