Monthly Archives: June 2005

So this woman walks into the ER..

 My asthma kicked my ass last night. Broke down and went at 9:45 and we got home at 12:45. Not bad for a totally packed ER. They gave me the good nebulizer treatments and 60mg of prednisone, so my bones feel like they’re going to break with every step. The upside, I can finally breathe. It’s not normal breathing but hell, I’ll take it. I’m so tired now, but it’s easier to breathe sitting up, so here I am.

Last nights trip made me decide to break down and replace my favorite little cell phone and get a camera phone. The kids made the time fly by, they were so funny. I kept thinking, now THIS is what camera phones are made for. So next trip to the ER (hopefully not for a long while) you’ll be able to see the antics instead of, well… not hearing about them at all, lol.

It’s time for me to take another neb treatment. I’ll talk to ya later.

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